April 30, 2024 admin 0 Comments

Recently in a conversation with a client, she shared an update on a crochet club she started in memory of her mom. Her mom was an avid crocheter and when she died, ‘Kasey’, (her name has been changed to protect her privacy.)  discovered quite a collection of wool. Kasey had begun crocheting again and felt the connection to her mom through it. 

Kasey noticed at the club there was an 11-year-old girl who had also recently lost her mom. Her mom was also an avid crocheter. This girl was determined to learn how to crochet, just like her mom did. She had to restart her granny square many times, but she persevered. Finally, she did it! She crocheted her first granny square! This student didn’t know it but she was working through her grief in a tangible, physical way. 

Grief is a tricky thing in our society. It is the one thing we will all have in common, but it is also the one thing that we learn nothing about. We are told to:

  • Remember the good times
  • Push past your grief
  • Your loved one wouldn’t want you to be sad
  • Good things will come out of your loss
  • It’s been a month, shouldn’t you be past it by now

And on and on the bad advice goes. We know what doesn’t work, but what does?

Grief sits in our bodies, like all other emotional events, therefore you will need a physical technique to process the loss. Here are suggestions to support you as you work through your grief. Yes, it is work, but it is possible. If you don’t manage your grief it will manage you. 

  • Exercise
  • Grief Yoga
  • Tapping/Emotional Freedom Technique
  • Biofield Tuning
  • Cranial Sacral Therapy

If you are struggling to process a loss, please reach out. The most important thing to know is that you are not alone, there are resources to help you get to a place where your grief isn’t determining your days and running your life. 

My hand in yours, 


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